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Sab Dasilva

Data Centre World 2024

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As highlighted in my January article,  the European Data Centre market is at a pivotal ...

By Sab Dasilva

Senior Account Manager

As highlighted in my January article,  the European Data Centre market is at a pivotal point with substantial investments and developments reshaping the landscape. In a recent article by Data Center Knowledge they stat that “demand is outstripping supply”, which is both a challenge practically but presents great opportunity for Data Centre operators.

In such an interesting time for the market it was great to attend Data Centre World in the ExCeL in London. There was certainly a buzz around the conference with data centre experts very optimistic about the growth potential of data centres in Europe. 

Huge potential for recruiting within Data Centres

I spoke with many industry leaders and all of them spoke of the same challenge – the struggle in finding the right talent. But not just finding talent, finding talent at the right time i.e. early on the process of building a data centre. This was the general consensus by the industry leaders I spoke with.

How are they combating this? Well, some of those I spoke with said that they are forging closer relationships with specialist Data Centre recruitment agencies like First Point Group and involving them at the very early stages of the building process. Others interestingly said that they are potentially going doing the route of introducing intern programs. The benefit of this process is to educate and train people up from scratch and trying to retain them. It’s an interesting approach and one that certainly makes sense from a organisations perspective especially for in the long-term. However, training someone can be a lengthy process and won’t help with immediate recruitment to meet current levels of demand. 

The future Data Centre talent

It’s very exciting to be part of the data centre world currently if you are starting your career. The new generation of talent will be the ones with the experience, understanding and knowledge of how to overcome the challenges being faced – unprecedented levels of demand and the influence of AI, to name just a couple. 

If you’re a candidate in the European data centre market now is the perfect time to explore your options, and that’s where a data centre recruitment agency like First Point Group can help. Contact me if you would like to know more about the opportunities in the data centre market.

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